Tuesday, April 29, 2008

a bowl of jelly

he was so soft, his heart was a bowl of jelly
it jiggled when he walked
we walked around in circles waiting for the sound

his mother was a bed of nails
with a chinese husband and their spawn
she took my darling bowl of jelly
out of his big apple with his brown father
and she stuck him into
charming butter sugar cookie cutter
that's where i live
he was so soft, so soft
his insides were his outsides

i found his number in the white pages
and i waited up the block

he found a button off the street
and nibbled on it all day long
he gave it to me as a present

and now his jelly heart's gone hard
and he's stiff as his mothers nails

like when you leave your play dough out
without putting on the lid.

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